I am Donna and I love to spread kindness

I support people wanting to lead healthier lives naturally because when we have more energy and feel better, we can easily spread kindness throughout our world. 

Spreading Wellness & Kindness


Private Presentations 

Events & Fairs

Showcasing the best products

Kids of All Ages

Early wellness 

The Kindness Project

It Costs Nothing

Be Kind

It’s a great feeling

Spreading Kindness

One card at a time

Hello! I am a retired elementary special education teacher turned entrepreneur who loves to spread kindness. 

My parents were my first teachers of kindness. While navigating through the pandemic’s twists and turns, I realized that the world needed more kindness. 

I decided to bring the focus on promoting kindness to the foreground and move my beloved products to the background.

My passion is to support people to lead healthier lives naturally because when we have more energy and feel better, we are apt to spread kindness throughout our world. 

As a wellness advocate, I am a certified essential oil specialist with dōTERRA, which allows me to support my friends and customers on a journey to maintain a healthy body and mind. 

As an affiliate with Send Out Cards, I send and encourage others to send heartfelt custom greeting cards to support a loving mind and body, which also promotes and spreads kindness.

The Kindness Project Coloring Book & Journal

The Kindness Project Coloring Book & Journal

Journaling and coloring help us alleviate stress and anxiety. 

Use this book to bring awareness and soothe yourself as you focus on your health and wellness. I hope it inspires your creativity and prompts you to choose an act of kindness for yourself, others, and the world. 

With the sale of each coloring book/journal ($24.99 tax included + shipping), a percentage (minimum 20%) will be donated to your choice of non-profit organizations (see below) that help victims of domestic violence and/or efforts to end human trafficking. 

Contact Donna at anointforwellness@gmail.com if you’d like to host a book signing at your coffee shop, event or occasion.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can post under The Kindness Blog comments, go to Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn under the current Challenge, or email me at anointforwellness@gmail.com to be entered into the drawing.

Journaling and coloring help us alleviate stress and anxiety. The extremely talented and kind artist, John Barge III (www.johnbarge3.com) and I created a book to inspire and serve as a gentle reminder to be kind to yourself, others, and the world.


What people say

Donna Weber
kindness promoter

Vista, California.